The Annual Membership Meeting was held on Oct 11, 2023 after establishing a quorum. The State of the Club report was presented by President Rick Egick. It included a long list of completed property and operational improvements, a glowing financial report of growth and stability, and an ambitious list of (well-underway) future projects.

The candidates that were nominated & endorsed for Board positions by the Executive Committee on Sept 27th, 2023 were presented to the members by Jason Curry, Corresponding Secretary.

President                            Tom Hennessy

1st Vice President                   Len Damico

2nd Vice President                  Rick Egick

Financial Secretary                 Jay Brower

Treasurer                               Tony Watson

Corresponding Secretary        Jason Curry

Recording Secretary               Jean Young

Steward                          Carman Martino

Steward                               George Riley

Steward                              Marco Young

Steward                                  Mary Batt

Additional nominations for all Board positions were solicited from the floor; none were received.

Election Day for DCF&S will be November 1, 2023. Please mark your calendar and plan to cast your vote!